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Prove to me spirits exist
55432 55435 55436 55437 55438 55440 55443 55449 55450 140605 143759 168720
Without using eye-witness testimony. I'm an atheist and want to see if you spirit believers can show evidence.

Documentations of others being "possessed" isn't evidence, could just be a matter of mental health issues.
46 replies and 19 files omitted.
168780 168814
I wouldn't consider Satanists to be a credible authority on anything spiritual.
168784 168796 168814 168817
Well, the satafags tinker with the spiritual world all the time, on the christian side only exorcists adventure in it, and atheists have no idea what they are talking about.
Atheists are the only ones who don't claim to have knowledge outside of the material world.
Technically the agnostics as well.
You have no idea what you are talking about as well.
This kind of stuff is just larpy bullshit designed to trigger easily-baited Christian boomers, same as the “after-school Satan clubs.” For one thing there’s nothing especially noteworthy or difficult about summoning demons in the first place, you can do it in your living room if you really want to. Second, there’s no reason to summon one unless you have some specific objective or task that you want it to carry out. Making a mass spectacle out of summoning a demon just to say “hi” to it and then send it back makes no sense and probably wouldn’t work. Also, it looks like there’s a lot of silly new-age cat lady bullshit baked into this too, how to “trap” demons that cause negative thinking and that kind of nonsense. Nobody who actually understands or practices any sort of magic/evocation would waste their time on anything this silly. This is just a publicity stunt done for the amusement of normies, ignore it.

“Satanism” doesn’t actually exist, at least in the sense that there is no actual religion devoted to the worship of an entity called Satan. Satanism is basically just secular humanism or atheism with edgier aesthetics.
>satafags tinker with the spiritual world all the time
No they don't. They're larpers.

Predictions Regarding The Sims 4
Now that the horses DLC for the Sims 4 released, how long will it be before those kinds of mods start showing up on LoversLab? Or are they too scared of that most sacred love between man and mare?
there will be a day where we will find ourselves in a overhauled environment we will call eqwestria. the man and mare love is bound to happen, let us watch as one of our talented make it a real thing.
Do people actually play modern Sims? My only exposure to the Sims was seeing hundreds of dollars of DLC for the steam page for things any life simulator ought to have upon release. I grew up on Call of Duty and even I think the microtransactions are excessive.
Some people bite the bullet and buy the DLCs they want, enough that EA keeps making them. Others use workarounds to pirate everything.

Ancient civilizations
There is a ton of material documenting megalitic stone constructions and sculptures that are impossible to build and make without extraordinary technology.
This thread intents to collect the info available from the ancient past which is usually is explained by the archaeologists with absurd and impossible theories.
24 replies and 16 files omitted.
At this point it is just "Trust Us, we know better than you".
Of course, anyone disagreeing with that BS and doing something about it will be meet with State threats and violence.
Okay, but I see no reason to suspect miles-deep obelisks beneath the sand. That meme is drawn like a shitpost.
It is the same than have no reason to trust the oligarch science. If it cannot be corroborated, then it is a matter of faith, not facts.
What does that have to do with the pyramids?
Do you actually think the pyramids are giant obelisks?
Who knows.
Who knows indeed, but why this in particular?

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Psychic handlers connected to politicians
This has been caught on video so many times where the Reptilian? handler speaks for/through the puppet politician. Here is another very recent one caught live on video. There is no doubt about who is really doing the talking here, the Black politician is the golem with the Reptilian?'s hand up her ass (figuratively speaking). You can tell she is not the script writer following along, because her lips said the wrong page number (then corrected) while the politician puppet did the same thing in real time. When the Reptilian? notices the camera she covers her mouth and tries to hide her eyes. There is a video of Hillary out there doing the same thing when she was on the campaign trail against Trump, and even her inner eyes flash at the same time as her Reptilian handler standing behind her. You can also find videos and photos in Congress & the Senate when Reptilians can be seen as their "GLAMOR" is dropped on film showing their true form. Also a video out there of a Black woman at the UN when her "GLAMOR" is dropped on video showing her true form. The Reptilians? have to be in close proximity to their politician puppet, they normally are within a few feet behind them or close to their side.
11 replies and 7 files omitted.
>just that no one alive today is ever completely knowledgeable or correct.
Specially bootleg Alex Jones.
168466 168468
Rabbi says reptilians are good; after Congress’s UFO hearings, masses now waiting to be told what to THINK about them; spiritual reading
this jew in Tennessee is a major rabbi.
The video about this rabbi is by a Briton who is very anti-jewish and says that the famous guru and founder of the modern Hare Krishnas, Sri Brahmupada, was very anti-jewish and pro-Hitler too. (This Briton also believes that the jews poisoned this guru for being antisemitic and then took over his organization.)
From 2:05 to 4:13 the rabbi speaks and he says flat-out that the reptilians rule this universe, they serve God, and “they’re the good guys.”
No matter if you believe it or think this is utter nonsense, the remarkable and dangerous point is that jews believe so.

This rabbi, Ariel Bar Tzadok, is on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Coast-to-Coast A.M., and the History Channel cable series on Utah’s creepy “Skinwalker Ranch.”
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>From 2:05 to 4:13 the rabbi speaks and he says flat-out that the reptilians rule this universe, they serve God, and “they’re the good guys.”
Here's the clip.
>reptilians in government
As described in ancient texts.
Burkina Faso  Mali Reps Arrive in Niger We Wont Accept Repeat of NATOs Libya Adventure.mp4
>Burkina Faso & Mali Reps Arrive in Niger: We Won’t Accept Repeat of NATO’s Libya Adventure
This should belong to the Niger thread, BUT, the odd guy fixed on the spokesperson's back of the head, shows up again. Strange and a scene that repeats all around the world.

Strip Poker Night at the Inventory
There is an open-source lewd flash game that is quite fun to play. "Strip Poker Night at the Inventory" is exactly what it says on the tin: it is a spoof of Telltale's classic "Poker Night at the Inventory" and features all types of anime characters playing strip poker. I found about it by chance on DB as there were screenshots of Rarity (somehow alone). MLP has a strong presence in the game thanks to such contributors as HorseCatDraws and Tavi959, with Rarity being the latest addition to the "main roster" as she was added a couple of months ago. Twilight and Pinkie Pie have been present for a few months longer and Rainbow Dash is currently in testing (you can play against her in the "testing presets" section). Thus there's high promise to eventually being able to play against every member of the Mane 6, even if they're >no hooves. You can try out the game at https://spnati.net/#

It's actually a quite decent poker game played against four AI opponents. You can pick any combination of 119 characters (not including those in testing) who come from a variety of different fictional works, especially anime series. You can choose your own attributes and clothing to wear which will affect how characters respond to you. Every round the player with the worst hand has to strip away an article of clothing; once naked losing again mandates public masturbation. Whoever is left at the end of the game doesn't need to strip any more and wins. Different characters have more or fewer layers of clothing (making them harder or easier to beat, respectively) and each has a hidden difficulty level which is how good the AI plays poker (officially no character can actually cheat). New characters can be made by anyone: you just have to make character models with Flash assets, write corresponding dialogue lines for different scenarios, and put it together with basic code. A new character is then critiqued by experienced contributors and if good enough is put into testing. After further development the character is reviewed again and, if a pass is given by the general community, is put into the main game. Characters that don't make it can still be found in the downloadable version of the game.

Obviously it's 2D flash characters so you can find better porn (with or without hooves) elsewhere and it's just one type of poker. What sets this game apart is the unique dialogue you can get for different groups of characters which can be entertaining and even humorous. I'd classify the dialogue into six types: gameplay, environmental, stripping, scripted, character, and easter egg. "Environmental" dialogue is the sparsest and consists of offhand comments about what background you choose. Gameplay dialogue is also simple and is how characters respond to what hands they get. "Stripping dialogue" is how characters react to what choice of clothes you or another character takes off, whether apathetic, disappointed (common with accessories or shoes), horny or embarrassed, as well as what a character says when at a specific sequence of removing clothing. Character-based dialogue is the most interesting and is the reason you will keep selecting particular characters, as when faced with certain other characters (whether from the same franchise or a different one) unique interactions may occur. "Easter egg" dialogue happens in unusual situations that the writer accounts for: for example, if Pinkie loses three hands in a row she becomes Pinkamena (I somehow got this in my first game against her).

There is a wide variance in the quality and replayability of characters. Generally speaking, the more lines a character has the more character-based dialogue will happen. Often this means conversations with a wider variety of characters, but it can also mean more in-depth conversations with a couple of particular characters to the point that playing the same group will get very different dialogue. Twilight is the best MLP character thanks to her 1500+ lines, over 300 poses and 2 unique epilogues. An epilogue is a visual-novel-type animation that you can watch if you win a game with a character in that game. Although Raven from TT has fewer lines and poses I'd rank her as one of the best simply because of her top-notch epilogues. Misato doesn't have an epilogue but makes for good games thanks to plenty of lines and one of the few characters to actually have animation in-game (ditto for Remilia). The Vandread characters have an autistic amount of effort put into lines and epilogues. I haven't played against every character, let alone unlocked every epilogue (I'm not THAT much of a degenerate) but the variety in behavior and "gimmicks" is quite astounding.

Like Horse Porn Game (>>237282) there's no sound so put on Cassiopeia or your favorite background music. Unlike that game you're less there for the sex and more for the interaction (in fact, you'll grow tired of the end-game as the dialogue is increasingly repetitive). Also as other players drop out the game becomes harder as it's less likely for someone to have worse luck than you; you may be frustratingly close to getting an epilogue only to have to restart. It's also annoying that you cannot input any dialogue (even the most basic) yourself, making you a passive observer of what others say rather than instigating further dialogue. Still, for an open-source Flash game it is quite impressive and unfortunately very unknown. One of my concerns is that as the character numbers increase the amount of character-based dialogue every character must have for conversation also increases, leading to an exponential requirement of effort. The alternative is having stilted generic conversations, which makes me sad as the "what if X and Y met" possibilities are part of the appeal of the game. Still, as more people make characters, write dialogue, and develop epilogues it will continually get better.
3 replies and 4 files omitted.
Never fear.
The reddit army is here.
Looks like that was a false alarm.
167534 167536
Take a hike paki.
That's not nice, friend
I played this game a while ago. It's surprisingly content-rich, and the various Easter eggs in the dialogue you can find makes for very enjoyable character interactions.

I'd say that it's worth trying out a couple of hands if you've got half an hour to an hour free some afternoon.

You can get the latest standalone release of Flash on internet archive if you're looking to play the downloadable version. I don't recall if the downloadable version is standalone.

Ideal map of Gr*ffonia
Total Griffon death
Griffons are only good for making into soap.
Even then its only the lowest quality soap
when is aryanne getting added to the mod? no pony is more fitting for the game
She was born to own this game.

minecraft mare.jpg
Game Night Thread?
A few threads have bandied about with discussions about and short meetings of vidya. But I thought perhaps it would be best to schedule some kind of organized game sessions. It's not quite as easy to do as with movie nights since these are games you have to own to join in on. However, even on a tight budget we could still set up the occasional Quake Live, Blood and Bacon or amogus session.

What day of the week should it be? Should we go across as many genres as we can, or start campaigns spanning multiple weeks such as the Borderlands series? Should we manage more regular stuff like Stardew Valley and Minecraft worlds? Would you prefer co-op or competitive titles?
Games as a social medium are healthy, poners, so don't game completely alone.
24 replies and 3 files omitted.
Guten tag, meine nigers. I'm free this afternoon and up for a wide range of gaymz today. Last week a few of us played Borderlands 2 for a few levels (if I recall, we left off just before Midgemong or Boom Bewm). The day after that I got more into Risk of Rain 2 with another anon, been addicted to that since the first time beating it and been on an unlocking spree! I think I'll give us 3 hours to pick our poison.

I've heard good things about Deep Rock Galactic, and I played Planetside 2 a long long time ago. I'd be up for either of those with folks to share it with.
I admit that I don't really play fighters. I do have Slap City, Rivals of Aether, and SF4, but none of them I've actually played enough to understand.
168096 168107
Here's a question.
How do we organize "game nights" while preserving a degree of anonymity that we enjoy as a chan-like imageboard? Is there a platform we can use?
The same question could be said of movie nights, but it didn't stop me much. But there are plenty of games where we can simply pick servers to join. A good example would be Plutonium CoD, where you can get an account without putting your credit card or ID to the task, and you have full access to Zombies and Multiplayer servers. Alternatively, there are some games like Dark Souls where you can simply populate the space with anonymous friends and engage in PvP and PvE as you might normally, and names are inconsequential. I'm open to those too.
I understand being worried about your anonymity, but in the case of playing stuff on Steam, if you're worried about your data you can simply minimize your Steam footprint. Don't share personally identifying information publicly. Buy Steam cards or Visa cards with cash instead of giving your card info to Valve. Private your profile information. But mlpol isn't some kind of deep web marketplace full of bitcoin scams and shit. It's a community, even if a large number of us are fully anonymous. Movie nights are one of the few things that I've tried to attend anytime I can over the years, because the chat is a place of discussion and sharing passions with one another. When the Anonfilly ponytown users congregated on mlpol briefly, I made that my home for a while, and would share stuff with other fillies over cytube while chatting with them ingame.

Gaming is a social activity that I think does a lot to bring people closer together. The site is fragmented and it's honestly sad considering what this site was for a time. I wanted to do this to bring us together again.
Well, I'll be playing Dark Souls PTDE tonight I suppose. If you have a copy of the game, as long as you change the appID text file's contents to "480," you can get Wulf's Dark Souls Connectivity Mod to locate players' multiplayer zones and invade them. I'll start a run now, and I'll level up generously as I go through Undead Burg and Parish. My name on there will be Anon E. Mouse.
I'll be home soon, thinking of just farming with anons in Stardew Valley. Low performance, not super action oriented, more of a way to relax and chat.

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272 page .pdf of Internal Classified Sega Documents from 1997 Leaked

(((PC Gamer))) Article: https://archive.fo/Bd8p5

Internal documents from 1997.
Former Sega president Shoichiro Irimajiri Speaks About the Saturn, the 32X, and Sega of America's Financial Troubles


Finally we get the Japanese side of things. Turns out: Sega of America wanted to push for the 32X in America, because they thought people couldn't afford a brand new console. Doesn't sound like Sega of America forced the 32X, on Sega of Japan, since Sega of Japan always had the final say, but convinced them with some delusional scenario.

Tom Kalinske was asked to resign for not restructuring the company. Sega of America weren't making as much money, because of the toys stores returning huge amounts of inventory of the Genesis, resulting in a loss.

>A possible solution was to add a GPU, a graphics chip, that could specialize in handling the heavy graphics calculations. However, it was far too late to begin development on something like that, so it was decided to use a second Hitachi SH-2 CPU in place of a GPU. The architecture of the Saturn was revised to include two SH-2s, and that’s how the Saturn was released. So, in Japan, the 3D capabilities of the Saturn were boosted.

That decision also destroyed the Saturn, because 3rd party developers hated working with two CPUs.
Fascinating business decisions.
>because 3rd party developers hated working with two CPUs.
Parallel processing is still today a bitch and overloading the guys writing the code is not fair.

Kaverns & Kobolds Two: The Electric Boogaloo
166420 166421
Welcome to the Kaverns & Kobolds Klub (/kkk/).

This source will be dedicated to posting resources and session logs for a whacky low-level 3.5e adventure featuring an all-kobold party, with the recurring theme of (((gnome))) genocide.
The game begins at lvl 1 using standard 3.5e rules, with a few houserules. The setting is generic and uses elements from various d&d settings. Characters begin at lvl 1 with 40 point buy stats, and all PCs recieve Dragonwrought and Dragontouched as a bonus feat!

Adventure Synopsis:
>For centuries, the kobolds of the Spawncamper tribe lived in rugged peace, amassing great wealth in the mines and only suffering occasional mass casualties from battles with neighboring goblinoids, gnomes, gnolls, dwarves, and really everything else. However, that changed just a months ago, when the tribe's clergy stopped recieving bonus spells from their almighty Lord and Savior: the Devil Kurtulmak. The Silence of Kurtulmak lasted for only one week, but the event shook the core of the tribe. In their search for answers, the tribal leadership determined that the cause for the silence was for the fact that they had failed to wage war on the neighboring gnomish kingdom of Glimmersburg for too many years. Intent on proving their devotion to their lord, the fanatic kobolds rallied their forces and planned an all out assault on Glimmersburg and its neighboring villages.
>The invasion resulted in catastrophe. While the Kobolds fought well and were skilled in the arts of gnome-slaying, they miscalculated the strength of the gnomish kingdom's alliance with the nearby dwarven clans, and were forcefully pushed back and outnumbered. They also never expected to be flanked by svirfneblin from the underdark blocking off their path of escape. Outnumbered and surrounded in three dimensions, the Spawncamper tribe suffered casualties like they'd never seen before, pushed to the bring of extinction. What's more, the war revealed veins of rich mineral resources that the kobolds had been mining, and the gnomes of Glimmersburg decided they would annex the territory of the spawncampers and get rid of the kobold nuisiance once and for all. In a last bid effort, the tribal leadership set off a series of explosive traps that collapsed the majority of the mines that had been taken over by gnomes, causing mass casualties on both sides, but buying some of the remaining kobolds time to escape. Spawncamper tribe was all but destroyed, with the few that survived scattering in every direction for survival. In a The Gnomes currently occupy what remains of the mines, and are intent on slaughtering every last one of them.
>But as the mighty Kurtulmak taught them, no battle with gnomes is over so long as one kobold survives. Soon, the gnomes of Glimmersburg will once again face the wrath of Kurtulmak and the blood of Tiatmat.
>And so, we begin with the position of our heroes. They are brave kobold warriors who fought in the Glimmersberg assault. Ranking high in their respective warbands, they've seen their share of work and battle following the three K's of Koboldism: Kruelty, Kowardice and Kunning. After strategically pushing their younger comrades into the meatgrinder, they set off a powerful Wyrm ditherbomb that collapsed the cavern of a battlefield while they hid in a storage cache where they stayed for days.
>Running low on resources, our heroes are set to emerge from their little fishbowl and make their own path. Perhaps they will seek revenge on the gnomes who destroyed their society. Perhaps they'll search the rubble for survivors. They might rebuild and repoulate the mines themselves, or leave the kaverns in search of better luck elsewhere. They might just cower in place until they run out of dead corpses and eat eachother. Perhaps they'll set off on their own adventure and the honest life of the average murderhobo. Only time can tell.

The /kkk/ runs on discord (for now) as a corner of the 'Official' /mlpol/ Horseplay Initiative. I started this adventure as a joke, but I've decided to use it to test methods and media for a multi-media Westmarches that I've been planning to create for this community. New members/players are always welcome:

This setting uses Action Points (Eberron style, not UA style), and any character who writes a log, session summary, in-character anecdote, artwork or other substantial contribution gets one free action point at the end of the session, so please write logs.
236 replies and 157 files omitted.
Kisara's Player
167669 167933
>Where we last left off, we were tumbling into a chasm that opened under us from a huge explosion and an even more brutal betrayal

>We come to in the underdark, particularly a mushroom forest
>Yusdrayl wakes up first and manages to wake Vyth up, who then wakes up Kisara, Ruv, and the now named soldier, Mud
>Ruv begins hollowing out a nearby fallen mushroom stem, and Vyth and Kisara get to work on finding out where the hell we are and how big this cave is
>We start by casting light on a pebble and launching it as far into the air as it'll go, but this attracts unwanted attention
>Said unwanted attention is a bigass ugly monster which we soon learn is being piloted by a mini mindflayer, and the mindflayer directs his minions to "find the mage!"
>However, by this point we were hiding inside the hollowed out mushroom stem and succeeded on all of our checks, so we're fine
>From here, we convert the stem into a boat and begin sailing across this marsh, hoping to find the way home after the pebble revealed roughly nothing and almost got us killed
>We shack up for a rest inside some monster's skeleton when it's time though, and during the rest something... big flies into the skeleton with us
>Grinding and chittering keep Vyth and Yusdrayl up through the watch, and when the rest of us wake up it's revealed that the noises in question are being caused by a swarm of giant bats!
>Said bats immediately attack, with the biggest one swiping Yusdrayl and pulling her into the air
>In response, Ruv and Mud hide while Vyth and Kisara ready themselves for combat, with Vyth summoning a demonic bat of his own to assist us
>However, the spell goes wrong somehow and the bat begins to grow and change of its own accord
>With the bat plan out of action, Kisara goes with plan B and three-thunders an orb of electricity to smack the big bat and hopefully break the swarm's morale
>This works beautifully, with the entire combat solved within the round
>We then collectively stand around and watch Vyth's demon bat change until it finally stops, turns to us, and greets us in flawless draconic
>Yeah, something's fucky

And we're going to find out today, so that'll be fun. Let's hope it doesn't kill us or give us some kind of unavoidable faustian bargain or something, those would suck. But anyway, see you guys there!
>some kind of unavoidable faustian bargain
Let the record show, no faustian bargain is unavoidable.
Kisara's Player
>Where we last left off, an evil bat ended up turning into some kind of divine messenger and decided to talk to us

>Anyway, the bat
>The bat is revealed to be a divine messenger of some kind after we roll some knowledge checks
>The god in question trying to talk to us was Kuraulyek, god of the Urds (winged kobolds) and an overall bastard due to his betrayal of Kurtulmak just before Garl's hissyfit
>Vyth is immediately having none of this, but Kisara decides to at least hear out the bat since it's offering a way out of the underdark
>There's then a big in-character argument that ends off with Vyth trying to attack the bat and failing while Kisara actually tries negotiating with it
>This thing uses a lot of flowery language and other manipulation tactics trying to get Kisara on its side, but Kisara's not as stupid as she looks/acts, so we eventually find out that this thing will only help us out under one condition
>Become urds and go help a nearby urd settlement from whatever imminent collapse is coming for them
>It's at this point that Kisara firmly sides with Vyth again, which makes the bat unhappy to say the least
>However, it's no match for us and we manage to kill it within a couple turns, leaving us with a huge dire bat carcass
>Vyth then conducts a ritual and resurrects the bat, netting us transportation, guidance out, and two bearded [strikethrough]dragons[/strikethrough] devils to protect us on the way out of this pit
>We then pile on to the bat, and start flying for the nearest exit

And that's where the session ended! A new session is today, and now that I have a functioning computer again, I'm posting this ~20 minutes before the session starts. Anyway, see you all then or in the next session, whichever you decide to show up for!
Lord Sesotuth, General of Hell, when a bunch of fucking kobolds managed to summoned them, because they couldn't find their way out of a cave.
Kisara's Player
and don't forget the fact that its summoner was blind and deaf at the time
Kisara's Player
>Where we last left off, we were on the zombified ex-messenger of kuralyek and were flying to look for a way out of the underdark

>We're still on the back of the bat and flying until we encounter a large stone spire rising up from the bottom of the enormous cavern until it merges with the ceiling
>Vyth wants to stop and investigate, but Kisara wants to keep flying and look for a confirmed exit
>Vyth being the one who controls the bat though, decides to take us down and lands it, letting the bearded dragons watch over it while we go to investigate closer
>Vyth leads the way, Ruv and Mud are somewhere behind him, and the sorcerors round out the rear of the party
>As we're walking through a field of stalagmites approaching the pillar, Vyth ends up getting hit by something that causes him to be both blinded and deafened!
>All this shortly after we were talking about the kind of gnome that dwells in the underdark
>Gee, I wonder what we're fighting
>Yep, more fucking gnomes
>And they're camouflaged damn well, we aren't really able to see them and the forest of stone is certainly not helping
>Vyth calls the bearded dragons to him and they go to work, screaming their battlecries as they still maintain perfect communication with the party a la https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpsezVsd0No
>Meanwhile, Yusdrayl goes off to help him and Ruv follows, leaving Kisara and Mud to stand their ground against this unseen threat
>The two ladies and the summons do a good job of keeping Vyth protected, and Kisara and Mud end up making a half-decent team themselves as they weather their own gnomish assault with surprising ease
>Well, until the gnomes realize their mortal error in challenging us, and their priest (who has done a good job in staying away from us) starts reviving gnomes so they can run away
>This combined with the gnomes summoning these big, ugly 3-armed monsters to cover their retreat is also annoying
>Either way, each team makes short work of their aggressors while the beardies take on the priest and manage to cut off his escape!
>Nice, we got a new sacrifice!
>We then clean up the mess left behind (and Kisara did NOT get shanked by another random enemy that managed to survive the fight and stab her in the ass to knock her down just like every other major fight we've been in!)
>(seriously, it's getting tiring at this point)
>But anyway, Vyth pulls off a fantastic sacrifice despite being blinded and deafened, and for this priest's life in combination with the life of a servant of kuralyek so soon before manages to catch Kurtulmak's eye to the point that he sends us a GENERAL OF HELL
>The beardies watch on in horror as the equivalent of some mcdonalds customer summons Ronald McDonald himself, and their boss's boss's boss's boss's boss, Sesotuth, strides into the mortal plane to ask a blind and deaf kobold why the hell he/she/it's now in the underdark
>The situation is worked out though, with Sesotuth agreeing to teleport us out of the underdark and use the rest of the time it's here to 'have fun,' whatever that means to a hell general
>We then are poofed to the surface, all of rejoicing happily except for the devils, the two weaker of whom are dragged off by the scruff of their necks while the stronger bulldozes everything in its path as it goes off to do... something
>Who cares about that though, we're free!
>And it's also time to take a long rest so that Vyth can get new spells prepared and fix his blind/deafness

And that's where the session ended! We're all back on the surface, and if I remember correctly, we still have the bat so we can use it to fly home! That means we get to go back and exact our revenge against those that betrayed us, and with that complete, nothing will stop us from becoming the true driving force of the colony again! See you all at tomorrow's session where we may see the conclusion of this arc of the story!

Magick Guide/General
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A bunch of users wanted a run down of magick and thoughtforms and all that jazz. I figure I'll do large post explaining the practical basics of everything. This thread is going to be a general for magick, a place to chat with people also practicing and finding practical advice. This article will be from a baseline bare skeleton pov. There's literally an infinite amount of ways to do magic. So we're going to talk about the core.

My base was a mix of psionics and chaos magick, broke into impromptu sympathetic magick. Took a break after a heavy loss. But I've since restarted by dabbling in evocation. WTF does that mean? It means I made thought forms and egregores, then started using sigils, then started doing voodoo stuff with random objects within reach, then took a break, and now I summon demons and mlp ponies. WTF does that mean? Read and find out.

What is Magick? Lets Plow Through This...

Magick is a methodology of imposing your will on reality to cause changes within it by utilizing an inherent power. The mechanisms remain the same. Even though there are 6 gorrilion types of magick.

Law of attraction, chaos magick, planetary magick, voodoo, wicca, hermetics, devil worship, psionics, pop culture magick, sigil, candle, shamanism, magick of solomon. On and on with the hidden fringe magicks. You could literally read every waking hour for the rest of your life and never run out of information.

By far the most popular is Kabbalistic Magick. The secret jew magick taught in synagogue to true believers. Why do you think all the celebrities are fucking Kabbalah practitioners? Why the fuck do you think the jews control everything?

Hell there's even a dark reflection to Kabbalah. Kabbalah uses the tree of life, while this other art uses it's opposition, the Qliphothic Tree of Death. If you really wanted to stick it to the jews, learn that shit. Its heavily demonic and overkill esoterically edgelord. But do it in your own time.

There are two paths of magick, high and low. High is basically self improvement, purifying your soul and reaching for godliness, low is making fat bank and banging sloots .... err earthly desires. Regardless of your path, both are exercising your soul's ability of creation (even if it's destruction). You are commanding and creating a new reality. You are assuming some of your power and becoming one with “God”.
420 replies and 203 files omitted.
(Last part of the review)

>through the activation of the magical christ-juice you gain not only physical regeneration, but spiritual regeneration.
Yes. Because the body is not fucked up by physical, spiritual, or mental stresses, it can run more smoothly, and not have to sift through so much bullshit trying to get shit done.

More fucking fluff that can be glanced through.

>More demonizing of the lower two chakras while attributing the gut-instinct of the sacral to the solar plexus.
This fucker hates his animal urges and he wants to destroy them. He's dumb as fuck thinking his traumas are demons when the reality is they're fucking emotional scars.

He's like a schizo clawing at his stitches thinking they're spiders... I mean, I can see why someone would do that, but doing that and thinking it's spiritual truth is dumb.

>The end is just More fucking linking between biblical references and the brain
Starts with fluff, ends with fluff.


In conclusion
It's eight fucking minutes of shitty christian-allegory, fluff, and lies (of naivety at best) that can be glanced through at x3 playback speed. Anything here could be explained better in traditional tantric texts or hermetic books when it comes to actual magick.

This dude fucking blames his root and sacral chakras for any trauma he may have experienced in his past, and peddles it as if it were his own truth. That shit will not only stunt your spiritual growth, it will make your manifestations take longer and they'll be weaker. If your intent is in the physical world it'll be even weaker, your mind will be stuck on the lower level because you didn't build the foundations when designing the proverbial tower of babel, and it'll keep you from actually reaching the so-called "magic-christ-oil-state" he fucking proclaims he found.

There is barely anything related to sex in this, it's all fucking blabbering psuedo-biology and psuedoscience that is only tangentially-related to spiritual practices.

Even if you're a NoFapper, there's nothing to gain from this. I personally advise against nofap because the human body runs on a "use it or lose it," way of function, but I can't stop you, and I get nothing from arguing about this.

Finally, in regards to spirituality and biology- right now, science is being used as the modern dogma of the chruch of atheism. Anything that links spirituality to science is considered heretical and either discarded or called out as demonic. Only until the dogma of the church of atheism (and fundamentalist stupidity) is chained like the bitch it is, that science, spirituality, and biology can become accepted.

I don't know much biology, but I know enough about psychology, and magick to see when someone's talking out their ass.

Pic related is my "seal of so-called-approval" you wanted.
Also dude. To be real here, I know you wanted to show us something cool, insightful, and I appreciate you for that, but holy fuck that video was dumb,
>Also dude. To be real here, I know you wanted to show us something cool, insightful, and I appreciate you for that, but holy fuck that video was dumb,
No problem, I am more than satisfied. At least I have 3 posts from you. That was my goal, to shitpost something cool and fish for (you)s. This thread needs more activity.
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Why directed dedicated thinking does things.
And why mental hygiene keeps your creating powers from spewing what others (hostile invisible beings, and (((them)))) desire.
>Yes this is long having more people consciously creating that's simple is worth it.
<Long and short read the rest of the post.
If you're familiar with Bear Heart, the OP, Christianity, Tree of Life and why would (((they))) broadcast what they do.
>Here's the summary, a hostile being that is unhuman requires people to do his orders.
>To function as a factory and processing unit to manufacture evil.
People are the image of God the creator of creators, the lord of lords, the king of kings.
We make stuff. So too is everything made.
A thing has to thought of before it can become made. More (and better) thinking and attention and emotion the more made it is.
>Wasn't this already covered in this thread?
Yes, but now we get to the Heart of the matter.
If tiny creators could create most things and almost anyone who or what should be the goal?
That's fair. However there is a better way. The best way actually. Who can automatically correct and adjust for perfection that is more.
>Our Bestest Friend Forever
>Jesus Christ who solved the problems from the start.
<Making stuff!
<Left Hand Vs Right Hand!?
Well no, there's a way to have everything and eat the cake too.
Thinking about Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Heart in our Father. The wisdom, muchness, power and glory of God. The creator in the creator.
Seek Him first and everything else will be added in much abundance.
Our Joy will be made full, complete and perfect. Not only joy but also all Godly aspects.
For who placed those desires in you? God did, who do you seek first? God.
When you glorify Jesus The Word of God, The Father is totally well pleased with Jesus and enjoys that you too enjoy Jesus as well.
>Is there any other way?
Basically no. Because it'll lack the special sauce which is God. That makes what it is be full in ways many don't or wouldn't even consider.
<Perfect Permanent Ponies vs Sad unperfect Ponies who may or may not be coerced by bad stuff
Choose Jesus Christ.
Victory is guaranteed.
Have a chat with Jesus.
Well you say something, inside your head or out of your mouth only so you and God can hear.
Then you listen. Keep the mind ready, tranquil also on Jesus.
You'll get a response.
With the Holy Spirit 'sudden understanding and inspiration' occur. Here's a tip God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) always confirms and glorifies God (Son, Father, Holy Spirit).
Sometimes I open the Bible or a webpage or hear words or see a video or feel emotion and there's the answer.
The Law is holy, and Jesus Christ is more holy.
So the enemy will use legalism to have people switch to be under the Law which all people fail in someway. By choosing their own righteousness over Jesus Christ who overcomes the Law and provides an inheritance on his death and how one becomes a son rather than a slave.
Anyway The Evil One doesn't want Ponies, and will lie, cheat and deceive to be objectively and subjectively wrong.
>jewtube link
It is clipped to bypass the censorship with 2:18:47 minutes long; but, the Rumble mirror has the full video with 2:28:25 minutes.
>If you're familiar with Bear Heart
Hairy stuff there.

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